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Prayers and Aid for Wildfire Victims

Please remember in prayer all those affected by the wildfires out west - and see below for how you can help.

Almighty God,

who alone created the beauty and the bounty of our land,

who cares and loves everyone—from the workers in the field to the owners of the field—be with your people on the west coats in the midst of the fires.

Bring an end to the loss of lives and the loss of homes. Bring aid to the firefighters who, by serving others, serve you. Give them courage and strength to persevere, to find the ability in their bodies and souls to keep working for another day or hour or minute. Ease the winds that spread the flames and disperse the smoke that covers the sky.

Bring hope to the displaced and the homeless. Remind us that you are the promise of a new tomorrow.

Bring rest and peace to those who have been lost, and let their souls find eternal life with you. Be a comfort and relief to the grieving.

As the cities are rebuilt, may no one be left behind. From immigrants who face unique obstacles to farmworkers who continue to labor in the fields despite dangerous smoke to families who have lost loved ones to those who have lost everything they have built over a lifetime, may all be included and cared for as we rebuild, guided by your Spirit.

May our hearts never turn away from you or from each other in our time of need. May we see you in the faces of those in need.



Catholic Charities is there to respond to immediate emergency needs for such necessities as water, food, shelter and medical care, as well as to the long-term need to rebuild and recover after widespread destruction for disasters in the US.

If you are able, please donate for US Relief:

Catholic Charities USA


Mail: Catholic Charities USA, P.O. Box 17066, Baltimore MD 21297-1066

Phone: 800-919-9338



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