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Christian Outreach


“Show me your hands. Do they have scars from giving? Show me your feet. Are they wounded in service? Show me your heart. Have you left a place for divine love?” 

– Archbishop Fulton Sheen



Adopt-A-Cop: A Prayer Protection Ministry

Serving Those Who Protect. Adopt-A-Cop assigns law enforcement officers from the Brookhaven Police Department to a family, group, or individual who will pray daily for them and send a monthly note of encouragement, support, and gratitude for their service to the community. Members support the department in their community building activities, strengthening the relationship between our parish and the Brookhaven Police Department.

Anne Stephens, Communications Director,


Care for Creation Ministry

Inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical Care for Our Common Home (Laudato Si’) OLA’s Care for Creation Ministry’s mission is to inspire the parish and surrounding community to restore and preserve all of God’s creation through worship, education, and service. With the Archdiocese of Atlanta’s Ladauto Si’ action plan as our guide, we seek to live more sustainably in harmony with God’s creation and encourage our community to do so as well. The Care for Creation team is developing a multi-faceted program of education, service and worship open to all OLA parishioners, visitors and community members.

Suzanne Degnats,


IOH: Interfaith Outreach Home Ministry

The Interfaith Outreach Home allows formerly homeless persons to have a place to stay, along with their families, until they are able to get back onto their feet. OLA's IOH ministry The ministry provides continued support to the residents and the staff. We support IOH in all capacities, including works to maintain the interior and exterior of the home. Please consider sharing your time and talent by joining our ministry. We have plenty of projects to fit any schedule.

This ministry is currently in need of a leader. If you are interested, please contact Anne Stephens at

Justice and Peace Ministry

This organization supports its members to put their faith in action in support of others. Monthly FAIR TRADE coffee/tea/chocolate sales to raises money toward building homes in Nicaragua (Food For the Poor). The group attends and supports interfaith outreach programs in the Atlanta area and also advocates for legislative issues in conjunction with Catholic Social Teaching. This ministry is in partnership with STAND UP FOR KIDS - a program supporting the homeless youth of Atlanta and hosts annual drives to provide needed supplies for homeless youth. The OLA Just Faith community actively supports the work of other Outreach Ministries at OLA (i.e. Kairos, Adult Ed programs, etc...).

Suzanne Ernst,

KAIROS Prison Ministry

Kairos is an ecumenical Christian Prison Ministry that ministers to men and women in medium and maximum security prisons. Volunteers are needed to join the team, help lead retreats, and show agape in the form of baking cookies for prisoners and prison staff.

Kevin Fitzpatrick,

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s organization that is devoted to many activities in and around the parish; specific areas of activities are church, community, youth, and pro-life.

Eric McGee,

Mercy Care Ministry

Mercy Care Chamblee is our neighborhood clinic that provides free/low cost healthcare to families who do not have access to basic medical care. OLA’s Mercy Care ministry provides volunteer support for neighborhood health fairs, collects critical essential care items to support front line street medicine teams, and raises funds to support community initiatives.The group assembles 100s of care packages for the homeless each month. Opportunities are also available for medical professionals and life/health skills professionals interested in volunteering their time and talent.

Victoria Klyza,

Meg Molden (Meal Kits),

Middle School Missions Camp

Rising 6th – 8th graders spend a week during the summer learning how to share their time and talent through service to OLA and the local community.

Maria Thomas,

Night Shelter Food Drivers (November – March)

Drivers deliver food to the Central Presbyterian Night Shelter on Tuesdays, November - March. Food is provided by the Soupremes ministry.

Jim Tiernan,

Night Shelter Volunteers (November – March)

Overnight volunteers serve at the Central Presbyterian Night Shelter by serving dinner to the guests (70 homeless men), cleaning up afterwards, and then staying overnight at the shelter to provide supervision of the guests. We typically have 6 overnight volunteers per night who rotate shifts of sleeping and supervising the guests. Total time on site is from 6pm - 6am. The reward of this ministry is the direct, hands-on outreach with the homeless men. These men are real people who are down on their luck. They are humble and genuinely appreciative of the warm meal and the shelter from the winter weather. Serving them in this way is a humbling and uplifting experience.

Nick Meyer,

Pro-Life Committee

The purpose of this ministry is to raise awareness and educate individuals about pro-life issues & to inform the community about upcoming events such as life chains, prayer vigils, the Annual March for Life, and fund raisers. Our main goal is to protect the life of the unborn & their mothers.


Katherine Baldwin,

Soupremes (November - March; Lent)

Teams of chefs prepare meals to be served at the Central Night Shelter. Teams cook on a rotating schedule. Meals are prepared in the Marist Hall Kitchen each Monday of the Month and delivered the next day by the Night Shelter Drivers Ministry. Teams also provide the meal for the parish Lenten Soup Suppers.

Anne Marie Shulman,

Jill Termini,

Sr. Thea Bowman Racial Justice Ministry

Our mission is to become a deep source for learning, teaching, transformation, and action to dismantle the communal sin of racism in our church, parish, and community.We learn together through group study, training, experiences, and pilgrimages, and we seek to join other Catholic and interfaith communities to become active and trustworthy fellow pilgrims in the fight against racism.We are inspired in our work by the spirit and power of Sister Thea Bowman, religious sister, educator, musician, scholar, and Servant of God, and we pray for her canonization.

Beth Belden,

St. Vincent de Paul Society

The purpose of this group is to provide confidential and temporary emergency assistance to those within our parish boundaries in the form of rent, food, utilities, or medicine. Members make personal visits to assess and verify needs of clients.

Knox O'Callaghan,

Amanda Reilly
Commission Ministry Head

Within the OLA Community

Body & Soul

The Body and Soul ministry organizes the parish blood drives, health fairs, and performs fundraisers for healthcare issues such as cancer and food allergy research.

Sara Sullivan,

Jennifer Dempsey,

Funeral Reception Ministry

The OLA Funeral Reception Ministry provides funeral reception services that include food preparation, set-up, service, and clean-up in support of family and friends as they comfort one another following a funeral Mass. We have many volunteer options available to fit your time schedule. Communication is by e-mail, and we use Signup Genius to request stewards for the different volunteer needs. You can pick an item or spot to fill if you are available to help.

Sharon Bowman,

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization, founded by Father Michael J. McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1882. This Catholic organization for men is devoted to fundraising in support of many activities in and around the parish; specific areas of activities are church, school, community, youth, and pro-life.

Eric McGee,

Loaves & Fishes

Volunteers provide meals, on request, to families with new babies, those that are sick or hospitalized, families that have experienced a death, and individuals or families experiencing other hardships. Volunteers are also occasionally asked to assist with food preparation or donation for special parish events.

Gwen Brannon,

Ministry of Care

Parishioners bring the Word of God and the Eucharist on a weekly basis to the sick, elderly in hospitals or care centers or those who are home-bound. Special training is required in addition to being a trained Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist.

Lee Killian,

Stephen Ministry, Stewards

Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one care giving ministry. After training you will show God's mercy, care and compassion to someone who is facing difficulties in their life. We are grounded in Jesus's command to love one another.

Paul Roberts,,

If you would like to talk to a Stephen Minister, please see the Healing/Support Ministries section.

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