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Children's Faith Formation

Love is shown by little things, by attention to small daily signs which make us feel at home. Faith grows when it is lived and shaped by love. That is why our families, our homes, are true domestic churches. They are the right place for faith to become life, and life to grow in faith.”   

-  Pope Francis 


Our Lady of the Assumption is a parish home for those seeking to live their faith.  Children’s Faith Formation (CFF) is here to support families as they pass the faith on to their child.  Our team of catechists, mentors, administrators and directors are here to help support your efforts in raising your child in the Catholic Church and traditions.  We are here to help your child to be prepared to receive the gifts of Eucharist, Reconciliation and Confirmation in addition to living a life of service to others.  This reflects the Marian values of the Marist in the Society of Mary which is the foundation or our parish.  

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Families Forming Disciples

FFD is offered to our families with children of preschoolers to 5th grade. This family approach to formation is designed to strengthen the domestic church by offering a time for families to come together to receive formation and act on the message through family activities.  Groups are meeting twice a month for a lesson and a reflection then between these meetings activities are provided to strengthen the lesson within the domestic church. 


You are WELCOME to join a group now just click here to register.  


Video Introduction to Year 2 from Archbishop Hartmayer

Click here to see the Year 2 Overview.

For more information contact OLA's Director of Children's Faith Formation, Elizabeth Piper at

2021-22 Calendar: Click here to Download the FFD Calendar


Middle School Faith Formation
WELCOME to all Middle School age youth!

Edge with Purpose is designed to meet the needs of youth during their middle school years through interactive and relationship building actives focused on their relationship with God and each other.  Purpose is designed for this age group to prepare them for their Confirmation in 10th grade.  Edge with Purpose is offered in a 3-year cycle to cover the scope and sequence of each of the program offerings.   This program has two convenient times to meet: Sunday evening at 6:30 (right after the 5:30 Mass) and Tuesday evening at 6:30!


For more information contact Nick Ables at

 Click the image above for more information on Edge with Purpose.

2021-22 Calendar: Click here to Download the Edge With Purpose Calendar

FORMED: The Catholic Faith on Demand

FORMED is a digital library offering over 4,000 Catholic materials at no charge to you. Log in to discover thousands of books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, and studies - there is something for every individual, family, and  ministry group. There is content for ALL AGES.  All to help YOU grow closer to Christ and His Church!


It just takes a few minutes to sign up (in 3 Easy Steps!):  1. Visit,   2.  Enter our parish zip (30319) or parish name, and 3.  Enter your name and email.


First Eucharist and Reconciliation Preparation 

Each child that is in second grade, has been in at least one year of faith formation prior to second grade, and received the gift of Baptism can receive the gift of First Eucharist.  They will need to not only participate in their 2nd grade formation but also need parent participation in meetings about Eucharist and Reconciliation. 

Beginning in the fall of their 2nd grade year the child will be prepared to receive reconciliation and be offered an opportunity to receive the gift of Reconciliation.  In spring the focus will turn towards preparation to receive the gift of the Eucharist.  Children will then have the opportunity to receive their first Eucharist in April.  


To register your child to receive the sacrament click on the registration link.  


For more information go to the sacraments page of this web site or contact Elizabeth Piper at 

Elizabeth Piper
Director of Faith Formation
404-261-7181 Ext. 126

Registration and Useful Documents

Please contact Elizabeth Piper for additional information. 

Parental Involvement and Support

Many hands make light work. Besides, it is our Christian commitment to service that should lead parents and families to assist in some way with the Parish School of Religion.


Substitute teachers, classroom assistants, and hall monitors are always needed. Please contact the Religious Education Office for more details. Finally, we ask all parents/guardians to support our program by attending Mass with their children. There are several opportunities for weekend Masses at OLA.

Service and Community

Commitment to service and participation in the life of the parish is an important part of being a Catholic Christian. Students in the program, Grades 3 – 9, will be expected to complete two activity/service forms. These will be available for families to complete and return.


We also host an Annual Morning of Service on the Sunday of the Martin Luther King, Jr holiday weekend. All students and their parents are encouraged to participate. 

Parent Volunteers

Our PSR Program needs volunteers to help organize events to involve PSR families in the Parish school and at the church, and to help parents become more involved in our children's religious education. We encourage any PSR parent to become involved and welcome any ideas and feedback. Click here to see the parent volunteer needs for the upcoming year.


We are looking for Grade Level Representatives and committee members. Please sign up if you can!


Archdiocesan Safe Environment Training

The Archdiocese of Atlanta is committed to helping children and young people learn and grow in a healthy and safe environment. OLA Parish complies with diocesan safe environment policies and procedures.

Training for Children

In accordance with the U.S. Bishop’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, the program Protecting God’s Children – Teaching Touching Safety (commonly referred to as “Virtus”) is used in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Students in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade participate in a safety lesson in their first year and once they move up to the next grade group.

Before registering your child for PSR it is required that you read the VIRTUS information that can be found by clicking here. 

Training for Adults

The Safe Environment training for Adults of the Archdiocese of Atlanta includes training in how to recognize, prevent and report abuse. All employees, and volunteers who regularly work with minors, receive this initial training, as well as ongoing training and background screening. The Code of Conduct, Sexual Abuse Policy, Ministerial Standards for Clergy, Educators and all  Working with Children and Vulnerable Individuals,  Social Media Policy as well as the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People are available at the diocesan website at  An overview of the children’s training, parent guide, and lesson plans are also available on the diocesan website. Click here for VIRTUS safe environment information.

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