1406 Hearst Drive | Brookhaven, GA
Bulletin, E-News,
and Social Media
Weekly Parish Bulletin
Click here to read the latest parish bulletin.
Bulletin and E-News Submissions
All bulletin submissions are due by 9am on the FRIDAY ONE WEEK PRIOR to publication of the bulletin and e-news unless otherwise published in the e-news or bulletin.
All submissions must be concise and are subject to editing for content and length.
Bulletin Deadline Updates
June 5th bulletin - Thursday, May 26 at 9am
June 26 bulletin - Thursday, June 16 at 9am
July 10 bulletin - Thursday, June 30 at 9am
August 14 bulletin - Tuesday, August 2 at 9am
August 21 Bulletin - Wednesday, August 10 at 9am
Weekly Parish E-News
Click here to receive our weekly e-news.
Social Media
Follow us on Social Media using the links below.
Around the Archdiocese
For information about ministries, meetings, and events around the Archdiocese, please click here.