1406 Hearst Drive | Brookhaven, GA
Healing and Support
““Take care of your body as if you were going to live forever;
and take care of your soul as if you were going to die tomorrow.” ”
– St. Augustine
Anointing of the Sick
Catholics suffering from illness are encouraged to receive the Anointing of the Sick. The Sacrament is given after the 5pm Mass every Saturday. To schedule reception of the sacrament, please contact Karen Kotara at kkotara@olachurch.org or 404-261-7181 ext. 128.
Healing Rosary and Benediction
The Second Wednesday of the month from 6-6:30pm. At the end of weekly Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament the rosary healing rosary is led by a deacon. The evening begins with a Healing Rosary. The Rosary is followed by Benediction, a final solemn blessing with special prayers before the Blessed Sacrament is once again reposed to the tabernacle. If you would like to add someone to be prayed for, please contact Deacon Ed.
Deacon Ed Patterson, epatterson@olachurch.org
Loaves & Fishes
Volunteers provide meals, on request, to families with new babies, those that are sick or hospitalized, families that have experienced a death, and individuals or families experiencing other hardships. Volunteers are also occasionally asked to assist with food preparation or donation for special parish events.
Gwen Brannon, gwen.brannon@gmail.com
Ministry of Care
Parishioners bring the Word of God and the Eucharist on a weekly basis to the sick, elderly in hospitals or care centers or those who are home-bound. If you would like to schedule someone to bring you communion, please contact Karen Kotara in the parish office at kkotara@olachurch.org.
Parish Reconciliation Services
Communal Penance Services are held two times during the year - during Advent and Lent. This includes a brief, public prayer service followed by private confessions.
Reconciliation (Non Communal Service)
Confessions are also heard each Saturday from 4-4:45pm in the Daily Chapel. During the week, contact Karen to schedule.
Karen Kotara, kkotara@olachurch.org
St. Vincent de Paul For Those in Need
St. Vincent de Paul provides confidential and temporary emergency assistance to those within our parish boundaries in the form of rent, food, utilities, medicine or transportation. If you are in need of assistance, please call 404-261-7181 ext. 124.
If you would like to become a Vincentian, please see Christian Outreach Ministries.
Stephen Ministry For Those in Need
Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one care giving ministry. Stephen Ministers are there to listen and walk with you through troubled times, such as grieving from loss of a loved one, of a job, divorce, health issues, loneliness, living in a time of pain or lack of direction. All is confidential. Contact 404-261-7181, ext 128 or sministry@olachurch.org
If you would like to be a Stephen Minister, please see Christian Outreach Ministries.