1406 Hearst Drive | Brookhaven, GA
Mass Times
“It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do without Holy Mass.”
- Saint Padre Pio
Daily Mass Schedule
Monday - Friday: 7:30am
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 7:30am, 9am, 11:30am,
1:30pm (Indonesian - 1st & 3rd Sunday in June/July)
3:30pm (Spanish)
5:30pm (Teen Ministered)
Holy Days of Obligation
7:30am, 9am (School Mass), 7pm
For some Holy Days, there is a 7pm Vigil the night before
Mass Readings
Mass Livestream Schedule
Daily Masses
Monday - Friday: 7:30am
Saturday: 9:00am
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 5:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am
Click here to watch Mass Live.
Click here to watch Mass Later (can take up to 2 hours to post).
Butterfly Mass
God has placed persons with special abilities all around us - in our homes, our schools, our workplaces, our churches, and our families. These special needs result from physical, emotional, mental or cognitive conditions in children, women, and men. It can be difficult for these beloved children of God to participate in the Mass due to physical or social barriers - and even family anxiety.
It is important that OLA’s parish family fosters a welcoming, accepting, and safe environment for these persons with special abilities.
What does the Mass Welcoming Persons with Special Needs look like? The Mass won’t look different to you. Some of the things you might see are a little quieter music, a little softer lighting, a shorter homily, handouts and fidget toys for some of our
Butterflies, and most importantly - new faces at Mass of persons who may have been nervous about joining us before!
We look forward to all of our parishioners welcoming these very special children and adults to the Saturday 5pm Mass on the 4th Saturday of each month. There will be no Mass in December 2021.
Questions? Email Joy Baljet at butterflystories@olachurch.org
Low Gluten Hosts Procedure
For those with gluten intolerance we provide low gluten hosts made by the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in Clyde, MO. As stated on their website their "breads are made of wheat starch (wheat flour from which much of the gluten protein has been removed) plus water. It’s gluten content is <.001%. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has approved them for use in all dioceses." You can learn more about the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration at www.BenedictineSisters.org.
1, Arrive early at Mass and inform the deacon that you will need a low gluten host for communion.
2. Place your host in the pyx (small gold container) labeled “gluten free” on the tray on the gifts table in the narthex.
1. During communion, you go to the line where the priest is distributing communion. (If the priest isn’t distributing communion you still go to the right line at the main aisle.)
2. When you are ready to receive, notify the priest (or whomever is distributing communion) that you are receiving the low gluten host.
Teen Ministered Mass
Our 5:30 Mass on Sundays is ministered exclusively by the teens of our parish, and we are always looking for new volunteers. We need Lectors, Ushers, EHMCs, and new members for our Life Teen Band!
To learn more, please contact Joseph Hoffman, Assistant Youth Minister, at jhoffman@olachurch.org or visit the Youth Ministry website by clicking here.
Little Lambs
Each Sunday at 9am Mass during the school year independent preschool aged children are invited to receive their own Liturgy of the Word during Mass. They are led out by our community shepherd prior to the first reading then return to Mass at the offertory. They experience scripture and a reflection designed just for their age group.
For more information, please contact Emily DeWitt at emily13dewitt@gmail.com
The Sunday Nursery
The Nursery is available during the 9am Sunday Mass for children 1- 4 years of age throughout the school year. The Nursery is located in the OLA Preschool classrooms - follow directional signs on Sunday or stop by the Welcome Desk for more information.
For more information, please contact Anna Gonzales at nursery@olachurch.org.