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Youth Ministry
(3rd - 12th Grades)

 ”Dear young people, do not bury your talents the gifts that God has given you!

Do not be afraid to dream of great things!”

– Pope Francis

Keeping in Touch 

with Youth Ministry  

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Life Teen (9th - 12th Grades)

Also known as High School Youth Group, Life Teen meets weekly on Sundays from 7-8:30pm in the Youth Room. Nights officially start at 7pm but the door is open following 5:30pm Mass). Each week, we come together to grow in our faith as missionary disciples of Jesus Christ and grow closer to each other as we encounter God in conversation and in one another. 


In addition to our weekly sessions, we also take students on retreats such as our annual In His Steps retreat at St. Bernard Abbey in Cullman, AL. We also engage in various service opportunities throughout the year, such as trips to the Central Night Shelter and our annual Coat Drive in October.


Be on the lookout for these and other opportunities to get involved in Life Teen! Click below to see our calendar and to register. 

Click here to Register for Life Teen.

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Edge with Purpose (6th- 8th Grades)

Our middle school youth group meets on Sunday evenings and Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8pm. Our nights are a mix of social and faith-based nights as we seek to grow closer to God and have fun doing it! During the year we serve the homeless, have coat/clothing drives, and go on a retreat to St. Bernard Abbey (Cullman, AL), and more.

Click here to register for Edge.

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Kids Club (3rd and 5th Grade)

Kids Club meets one Monday a month from 6 -7pm. Each night starts with a pizza dinner, followed by fun and exciting games, as well as activities centered around learning about our Catholic Faith!


Click here to download the Kids Club Calendar.

Click here to Register for Kids Club. 

Website and Payments

Click here to go to the Youth Ministry website.

Click here to make Online Payments


Payments help cover any resources and supplies that help make Youth Group happen, as well as pizza, snacks, and drinks.


To receive our weekly Youth Ministry E-News,

please contact Andrew Knuckles


FORMED: The Catholic Faith on Demand

FORMED is a digital library offering over 4,000 Catholic materials at no charge to you. Log in to discover thousands of books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, and studies - there is something for every individual, family, and  ministry group. There is content for ALL AGES.  All to help YOU grow closer to Christ and His Church!


It just takes a few minutes to sign up (in 3 Easy Steps!):  1. Visit,   2.  Enter our parish zip (30319) or parish name, and 3.  Enter your name and email.

Andrew Knuckles

Director of Youth Ministry


Joseph Hoffman

Assistant Youth Minister 

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Catholic Heart Work Camp: June 26 - July 1


Our parish is sending a group of high school teens (rising 9th grade to graduated seniors) to Catholic Heart Work Camp Mission Trip in Knoxville, TN. We will be attending the week of June 26 - July 1st.

Some details: We will be hosted at a local high school throughout the week; while the work sites will likely be elsewhere, we will eat, sleep, and shower at the school; since sleeping will take place in classrooms (separate for guys and girls), an air mattress will be essential. 

Here's how the sign up process will work on your end:

Fill out the registration form by clicking here:! From there, you will be re-directed to a payment form where you need to complete at least a $100 deposit to hold your spot.  The deadline to register is now March 31st, so go ahead and get signed up today!

Teen Ministered Mass

Our 5:30 Mass on Sundays is ministered exclusively by the teens of our parish, and we are always looking for new volunteers. We need Greeters/Ushers, Lectors, Ushers, EHMCs, and new members for our Teen Choir!

For more information email Joseph Hoffman at or visit the Youth Ministry website by clicking here.


Greeters/Ushers greet those attending liturgies and provide assistance to those in need seating. They take up the offertory collection, hand out bulletins, and straighten up the church pews and Narthex after Mas

Lectors/Readers (6th Grade and Older)

Lectors proclaim the 1st Reading, 2nd Reading, and Prayers of the Faithful at Mass. There are usually 3 lectors at each Mass.


Lectors should read over and practice the readings before arriving at Mass. Readings can be found by clicking here. Prayers of the Faithful will be emailed at least two days before Mass.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

To be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC), a teen must:

  • Be a Catholic in good standing with the Church,

  • Have received the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation,

  • Be 16 years of age or older,

  • Exhibit a strong faith and positive attitude, and

  • Actively participate in the Mass.

Extraordinary Ministers will be scheduled to serve at 5:30 PM Mass throughout the year. Once trained, teens may serve at any Mass at OLA, so you should always check in no matter what Mass you attend! 

Teen Choir (6th Grade and Older)

The Sunday 5:30pm Teen Mass choir is open to youth and young adults aged 6th grade and up. Currently, the choir serves at two Sundays a month during the school year. Rehearsals are in the Choir Room at 4pm the day the choir sings at Mass. The choir also sings at Confirmation in November. 

Archdiocesan Safe Environment Training for Volunteers

The Archdiocese of Atlanta is committed to helping children and young people learn and grow in a healthy and safe environment. OLA Parish complies with diocesan safe environment policies and procedures.

The Safe Environment training for Adults of the Archdiocese of Atlanta includes training in how to recognize, prevent and report abuse. All employees, and volunteers who regularly work with minors, receive this initial training, as well as ongoing training and background screening. The Code of Conduct, Sexual Abuse Policy, Ministerial Standards for Clergy, Educators and all  Working with Children and Vulnerable Individuals,  Social Media Policy as well as the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People are available at the diocesan website at www.archatl.comClick here for VIRTUS safe environment information.

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