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Ordination of Deacon Bill Kester

On Saturday, February 1st Bill Kester was ordained to the permanent diaconate. On Sunday, February 2nd our parish celebrated Bill's Ordination at Mass and then with a reception. At the 11:30am Mass that Sunday, Deacon Bill preached his first homily. He has graciously aggreed to share it here - on the condition that he receives your critique! Read Bill's homily by clicking here. And then click here to send him and email to let him know what you thought of it! Please click on the links below to see photos of the weekend: Bill's Ordination Mass, Bill's First Mass as a Deacon, and Ordination Reception. Ordination Celebration Thank You! Special thanks to Sarah Cash and Jennifer Murphy (and your army of volunteers) for being the coordinators and hosts of the Ordination Reception on Sunday, February 2. Your hard work and creativity provided a wonderful afternoon for our parish family. Thank you!



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