Morning Mass today went well and we were happy to welcome those who joined us. Below you will find a schedule for this week - it is subject to change next week. You will also find information about other upcoming opportunities for community prayer and more - sorry, this is lengthy! Please remember that the the Parish Staff is working remotely. We are able to access our phones remotely, so please call (404-261-7181) and leave a message. Someone will get back to you. Daily Mass Livestream The Masses for this week are as follows:
Tuesday, March 24 and Wednesday, March 25 - 9am with Father Jim
Thursday, March 26 and Friday, March 27 - 8am with Father Joel
Saturday, March 28 - 9am with Father Ed
Sunday, March 29 - 10am with Father Jim
Please remember:
These Masses are PRIVATE and, although the church will be open for daily prayer, the Daily Chapel will remain locked and no one will be admitted to attend the Mass.
You do NOT have to have a Facebook page to join us. Just click here to open our Facebook page:
Each day, a few minutes before Mass is to begin, click that link and scroll down - you'll see the Daily Chapel and that's your cue that Mass will begin shortly.
Be sure to 'like' the post so that we know who is joining us and to offer your prayers and intentions throughout.
Technical Difficulties: There may be times when the feed cuts out - like this morning. The risks of working with wireless. When/If that happens, I can ask the celebrant to pause and Mass will resume livestreaming. Please refresh your screen and you will be able to pick us up again.
If you miss a Mass, but would like to watch it, you can do soby clicking here. (You can click on 'videos' or scroll down.)
Daily Prayer
The Church continues to be open from 10am-2pm daily for private prayer. Remember to practice social distancing when in the church.
Private Reconciliation
To schedule a PRIVATE RECONCILIATION, please email Monday - Friday from 8am - 4pm. After hours or on the weekends, please call (404) 365-0508. (On the weekends, reconciliation can be scheduled on Saturday from 2pm - 4pm.)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Adoration will continue to take place in the Church on Wednesdays from 8am - 6pm (no Holy Hour). Please stop by for a few minutes of quiet prayer - while safely distanced from others - or sign up for an hour block to ensure that the there is always someone with the Blessed Sacrament. Click here to sign up.
Wedenesdays Mid-Day Lectio Divina, 12-12:30pm
Mark Dannenfelser will continue to lead Lectio Divina on Wednesdays from 12-12:3opm.
This will be livestreamed via Facebook. Please click here to participate:
If you have questions, contact Mark at
Wedenesday Night Centering Prayer from 7-8pm
OLA's Centering Prayer Group will continue meeting from 7-8pm via ZOOM video Meeting on cumputer or smartphone:
Meeting ID: 774 636 375; Password: 880817
Or, call-in from any phone to participate with audio only: +1 646 558 8656; Meeting ID: 774 636 375
If you have questions, contact Mark at
Stations of the Cross at 7:30pm
Deacon Chris will lead the Stations of the Cross on Fridays via Facebook. Please click here to participate:
If you have questions, email Deacon Chris at
Prayer Service, Tuesday, March 31 at 7:30pm
Details to come. If you have questions, email Deacon Chris at
Have a blessed afternoon/evening.
God bless,