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Laudato Si’ Care for Creation Youth Survey

OLA's Care for Creation Ministry invites the youth of our community to participate in an Archdiocesan Survey on the environment.

In Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ ground-breaking encyclical on integral ecology and our call to care for all of creation, the Pope specifically asks that we give youth an opportunity to voice their concerns on and to be a part of finding solutions for the threats to our common home. Here in the archdiocese, the Laudato Si’ Initiative team is following this directive by inviting all students K-12 to participate in a short survey on their concerns around the environment. The results will help us to determine what faith-based resources we need to find or develop that will encourage and empower students to take action.

​The survey can be accessed by clicking here and we encourage parents to help younger students complete the survey. We recognize that younger students may need help understanding and answering the questions, and we want to thank those parents who are willing to help us include their children’s candid responses. We hope to have participation by students from all grades in order to identify concerns and needs across all of the different age groups.

The survey is open to all students, not just Catholics, allowing for broader representation. We look forward to reporting back our findings and to making future resources available to all of the youth in our archdiocese and the north Georgia communities within which we live, work and engage.



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