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In-Person Mass Update

Dear Parishioners,

I am happy to inform you that we are now entering Phase IV of our Mass re-opening!

After meeting with our Mass Coordinator and members of my staff, I have decided that this weekend the in-person Masses will not require advance registrations in order for you to attend.

This is a trial run to see how things go. If all goes smoothly, we will discontinue the registration system in the future.

We need your help to ensure that Masses run smoothly and that we maintain a safe and healthy environment for all who attend. Please carefully review the information listed below. It is your attention to detail and cooperation that will allow us to continue to provide additional opportunities for your participation in liturgy and other events/activities in the coming months! (Be sure to review the information even if you have previously attended Mass during COVID-19 as some procedures have changed.)

I look forward to seeing you at Mass!

Yours in Mary, our Mother,

Father Jim

P.S. This information will be posted on the parish website's Covid-19 page letter

Important Information for Attending Mass in Person

Mass times: Saturday at 5pm and Sunday at 10am

Doors Open: 30 minutes prior to start of Mass (4:30pm on Saturday; 9:30am on Sunday)

Masks: In accordance with Archdiocesan and City regulations, masks are REQUIRED to enter the church.

They must be worn the entire time you are in the church.

Please wear them correctly, with your nose and mouth covered.

Are You Well? Take your temperature - if any member of household has temp over 99.6, please stay home. This is true if experiencing any COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms.

Where do You Want to Sit? To ensure social distancing, you will be seated at according to the door that you enter. Please review the attached diagram so that you enter the door to the section where you wish to sit by clicking here.

Arrival at Mass and Seating:

We strongly encourage entire households to arrive together before entering the church.

  • As you approach the entrance to the church, please pay attention to the stickers on the ground advising you to stop and wait to ensure proper social distancing.

  • Do not enter the church until you have been welcomed by the Greeter at the door and given instructions.

  • The Greeter will direct you to an usher who will seat you - please do NOT go forward to seat yourself. Ushers are there to assist everyone to ensure proper social distancing.

Ushers and Greeters: Please always listen to the instructions of the Greeters and Ushers - before Mass, during communion, and at dismissal.

Offertory: The collection basket will not be passed during the Mass. Instead, we ask that you drop your donation in the Greeter's basket as you enter or leave the church. (If you are able, please sign up for online giving by clicking here.)


  • Those who distribute communion will use hand sanitizer before beginning and again after each household. They will not be wearing gloves or using tongs as both are determined to spread contamination.

  • Communion will be distributed in the hand. There will be no chalice.

  • If you prefer to receive on the tongue, please wait until everyone else has received and go last.

  • If you prefer not to receive, please come forward with your arms crossed over your chest for a blessing.

  • Please do not wear gloves during communion.

  • The ushers will direct you when to come forward to receive communion.

  • Your household will receive together.

  • Please lower or raise your mask when it is your turn to receive. Immediately consume the Eucharist and put your mask back in place.

  • Do not move forward at any point until the household ahead of you has moved forward.

  • After you have consumed the Eucharist, return to your pew.

Dismissal: Please adhere to the following instrcutions:

  • Ushers will dismiss each section from the back pew to the front. Please wait for the usher before leaving your pew, and

  • Please leave the church building once you have been dismissed. Don't stay inside to catch up with friends - you can do that outside. We need to keep the aisles clear to maintain proper social distancing.

Low Gluten Host Procedures: If a member of your household requires a Low Gluten Host,

  • Enter through the main front doors to sit in Section 3 of the nave (see attached diagram noted above), and

  • When you enter the church notify the Greeter that you will require the LG Host and how many.

  • Please arrive no later than 10 minutes prior to the start of Mass to ensure we are able to accomodate your need for the LG host.

Volunteers Needed: Thanks to the generosity of our many volunteers we are able to celebrate Mass together each week. We are always in need of more persons to volunteers as Greeters/Ushers and trained Lectors and trained Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Adults and Teens are invited to serve in all of these roles!

Contact Adrian, Mass Coordinator, at for more information or click here to sign up!



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