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Father Jim's Palm Sunday Message

We have been asked this Lent to give up more than we ever imagined. It has been a time of fear, and sorrow. Of panic, anger, and confusion. We are all worried about what our future holds - for ourselves, our loved ones, the economy, and the entire world.

But in the midst of this concern, I have seen an awakening. There are countless stories being passed around of the good things that people are doing for loved ones and strangers alike. A number of members of our community are making masks for healthcare workers. Many have offered to buy groceries or pick up medicines for our most vulnerable parishioners. (Now, those of you who are in that most vulnerable category need to reach out and accept the help.) People are celebrating and honoring those on the frontlines who are often ignored - healthcare workers, truck drivers, grocery clerks, first responders, and more. In these worst of times, we are seeing the best of ourselves.

In our parish we have seen a coming together in faith. Although we are remote, we are joined together through our worship and prayer. Ministries are meeting online. Prayer groups are doing the same. We are livestreaming the rosary and lectio divina. And we are coming together each day, although virtually, around the Eucharist - the source and summit of our lives as Catholic Christians.

This week we journey with Jesus on his triumphant entry into Jerusalem that leads him to His passion, but ends in triumph and hope! Make this Holy Week truly a week of reflection on hope of God’s grace as we happily sacrifice these inconveniences for the greater good of our brothers and sisters.

I encourage you to join us for our Holy Week and Easter Liturgies - you can learn more about them later in this bulletin.

I look forward to the day that we are together again around the Eucharistic table! Until that time, please join us online - and in spiritual communion through prayer and desire for our Lord.

Yours in Mary, Our Mother,

Father JIm



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