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Worship Ministries

for Adults

Liturgical Support Ministries
These ministries are for those parishioners who prefer to support our communal prayer outside of actual liturgies

Altar Linens

Members of the Altar Linen ministry launder and iron linens used in the celebration of the Eucharist each week. Each member is assigned one week 4 times per year.

Gretchen Heath,

Altar Server Vestment Care

Members of this ministry clean and mend the vestments used by the altar servers.

Joy Baljet,

Butterfly Mass (For Those Living With Disabilities)

It is an Indonesian legend that when a butterfly comes into one’s home it means that a visitor will be coming soon. The more colorful the butterfly, the more important the visitor. We welcome everyone in the parish to join in the

celebration of Mass along with our brothers and sisters of all abilities on the 4th Saturday of each month at the 5pm Mass. The Butterfly Mass features softer lighting and music, fidgets for our “busy bees” and a calmer setting. OLA’s parish family fosters a welcoming, accepting, and safe environment for persons with special abilities. All are welcome to celebrate with us. Joy Baljet,

Joy Baljet,

Environment & Art

This group plans and implements the creative décor that enhance our ongoing and seasonal liturgies. Stewards are needed to assist in decorating the church throughout the year - especially during the Advent and Christmas seasons.


Jocelyn Ralston,

Mass Livestreaming

If you love technology and understand the importance of getting the Mass to those who cannot join us in person, this ministry is for you! We are seeking responsible teens and adults to livestream our Weekend Masses, Daily Morning Masses, and other special liturgies.

Adrian Stevens,


The Nursery is available during the 9am Sunday Mass for children 1- 4 years of age throughout the school year. The Nursery is located in the OLA Preschool classrooms - follow directional signs on Sunday or stop by the Welcome Desk for more information.

Anna Gonzalez,

Welcome Ministry

This instrumental Ministry is often the frontline to OLA visitors. This dynamic group of people gather before and after the liturgy in the Narthex to greet parishioners and newcomers as they enter the church. They are stationed at the Welcome Table in the Narthex to answer questions about our parish and distribute materials about OLA, offertory envelopes, parish registration forms, and more.

Lisa Broniec,

Liturgical Ministries
These ministries are for those parishioners who wish to play a role in the celebration of our Masses and Prayer services.

Deacon Ed Patterson

Director of Worship

Joceyln Ralston

Commission Ministry Head

Opportunities for Prayer
Opportunities for prayer in addition to our weekly and daily Masses. Each of these ministries/services offers an opportunity to volunteer.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Wednesdays from 9:30am - 6pm in the church/daily chapel. Start time may very depending on OLA School liturgies. Eucharistic Adoration is visiting and spending time in quiet prayer with Jesus present in the Eucharist. It is an expression of our love for Jesus, who loves us so much that He never wants to leave us and stays with us in the Blessed Sacrament. You can drop in at any time or sign up each week as a Guardian for an hour (

Betsie Greiff,

Evening Prayer and Benediction

Wednesdays from 6-6:30pm (except the Second Wednesday of the month when the Healing Rosary is prayed). At the end of weekly Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Evening Prayer is prayed, led by a deacon. Evening Prayer is followed by Benediction, a final solemn blessing with special prayers before the Blessed Sacrament is once again reposed to the tabernacle.

Healing Rosary and Benediction

The Second Wednesday of the month from 6-6:30pm. At the end of weekly Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament the rosary healing rosary is led by a deacon. The evening begins with a Healing Rosary. The Rosary is followed by Benediction, a final solemn blessing with special prayers before the Blessed Sacrament is once again reposed to the tabernacle.

If you would like to add someone to be prayed for,

please contact Deacon Ed.

Deacon Ed Patterson,


Elijah Cup Vocations Ministry

Every other weekend at one of the Masses, a different family takes the Elijah Cup home to pray for vocations to the religious life and priesthood - especially to the Society of Mary (Marists), the religious society that serves our parish.

Click here to sign up!

Katie Schermerhorn,


Parish Reconciliation Services

Communal Penance Services are held two times during the year - once during Advent and again during Lent.


Stations of the Cross

At 7:30pm on Fridays during Lent the Stations of the Cross are prayed in the church. Twelve women from the parish present the Stations Through the Eyes of Mary, and twelve men from the parish present the stations Through the Eyes of John, the Apostle. Deacons lead on the other Fridays.

Deacon Ed Patterson,

Choir and Musicians (Adult)

OLA’s Music ministry provides many opportunities for

parishioners of all ages to share their musical skills with the parish: Adult Choir and musicians, Women’s Schola, and Hand Chime Team.


Choir and Musicians: Gregg Codelli, Director of Music,


Women’s Schola and Hand Chimes: Natalie Codelli,

Director of Children's Choir,


Life Teen Band: Jake Mappes, Life Teen Mass Worship Leader


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers are commissioned to serve communion at weekend and daily Masses. Added training allows you to minister to the homebound, care centers and hospitals (See Ministers of Care).

Deacon Terry Biglow,

Sharon Adams (Trainer),

RaeAnn Brothers (Coordinator),


Sunday 5:30pm Teen Ministered Mass: Joseph Hoffman, Assistant Youth Minister


Funeral Coordinators

Funeral Coordinators assist families in the event of the death of a loved one by helping to plan the funeral liturgy and by being present to support the family at the funeral.

Margie Patterson,


Greeters & Ushers

Ushers greet those attending liturgies and provide assistance to those in need of seating and at communion. They take up the offertory collection, hand out bulletins, and straighten up the church pews and Narthex after Mass.

Adrian Stevens,



Lectors proclaim the scripture readings and Prayers of the Faithful at liturgies.

Deacon Ed Patterson,


Sunday 5:30pm Mass, 6th-12th grades: Joseph Hoffman, Assistant Youth Minister,



Sacristans assist the clergy in set-up and clean-up at daily and weekend liturgies.

Dc. Ed Patterson,

Stations of the Cross

At 7:30pm on Fridays during Lent the Stations of the Cross are prayed in the church. Twelve women from the parish present the Stations Through the Eyes of Mary, and twelve men from the parish present the stations Through the Eyes of John, the Apostle. Deacons lead on the other Fridays.

Deacon Ed Patterson,


Wedding Guild

Wedding Guild members assist couples in pre-wedding

preparations, the rehearsal, and on the day of the wedding. No previous experience necessary. Time commitment is shared with other coordinators.

Cheri Felton,

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